I am very excited to be slowly unpacking all my boxes of supplies for the sewing room. It is seriously like Christmas sometimes as I come across things that I either forgot that I had, or have been looking for for around two months now. It also means that I have been able to get back to working on a few of my projects, and even finishing a few of them! Tomorrow I will post pictures of something that I was pretty excited to get done. Unfortunately I didn't get it done with enough daylight left to take some good pictures of it today.
I did finish one corner of the basement though, and Liam has been getting a fair amount of use out of it, in between pushing every button on my washing machine, and "re-organizing" everything I have unpacked.
This table we had sitting in the attic of our old place for a while just waiting for its turn to be made over:
I originally had just painted the whole thing white, but then one day I had my chalkboard paint out for something else (you'll see what tomorrow) and decided to paint the table top with chalkboard paint.
It turned out to be a good thing. We painted the walls in the basement white, because the one room has no windows, and was looking pretty dark before. Liam is at the stage where is is wanting to colour, on everything. Chalk comes off VERY easily if he does happen to "accidentally" colour on the wall.
The clipboards are a fun way of displaying his art work, and pretty easy to switch up when he comes up with something new.
Ok, I think I need that chalkboard paint for the girls table.......that is too fun!