"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken" - Oscar Wilde

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A little of this and that...

Here is a brief glimpse of what we have been up to lately:

Lots of big trucks have come to our place, which Liam gets very excited about. We have also been camping, to the fair, sushi picnics in the park (LOVE IT) and about a thousand other exciting things.

I also have a really long list of projects that I either have started, or am wanting to start really badly. We don't have a basement yet (that will be ready in the fall) so that makes it a little difficult. Jake isn't really a fan of my sewing stuff spread out all over the table (understandably so) but he is being very good about it. And my tools are all still buried in the garage, and its going to take a good week just to find them. But considering it is summer, I'm not getting as much time to work on my stuff as I normally would, and am really not complaining. Its just nice to be outside most of the time.

This week I hope to dig out my chalkboard paint, more fabric and (hopefully) find a working rotary dial telephone. (I have been looking for MONTHS now and it seems no one wants to drop theirs off at the thrift store. Seriously, if you know of one just sitting around calling my name I would love to hear from you). This is all just for the family room. I'll post with more details when I'm finished, until then sorry you'll just have to wonder what I could possibly be doing :) (okay your probably not as excited about it as I am)...

We're also making some good progress on the yard as well. By we I mean Jake, but I have every intention on starting some weeding tomorrow so I feel like I can count myself in on that. Intention is 90% of it anyway.

So that is the most recent update! Hopefully the kitchen will be completely finished this week so that I can post some pictures, it is 95% there, just a few little things left.

1 comment:

  1. Liam is growing up! Can't wait until our "play" date with the kids so we can see him again.
