"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken" - Oscar Wilde

Friday, April 2, 2010

my baby is one

Liam turned one yesterday! I am not sure where the time went, it seems like only yesterday that we were coming home from the hospital with a tiny newborn, and now he is almost walking, has six teeth, and wants to do everything himself. I have been planning his birthday party for weeks months, and trust me when I say the final version was very scaled back from the one I was picturing in my head.

Dog Cupcakes, this little guy loves dogs, so it was only fitting.

My wonderful sister helped me decorate them, otherwise I would have been up past midnight, and they would not have turned out so cute.

He thought it was pretty neat that he got a whole cupcake to eat, not once but twice that day. On a side note, he was up till 9:30 that night.

Our gift for him, a water table. The idea is for it to be used outside in the summer, but I set it up in the bathroom for him to play with for a while. (PS don't you just love his curls!)

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