"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken" - Oscar Wilde

Friday, June 17, 2011


The past few summers I have been interested in planting a vegetable garden, but never really had enough space to do one, until now! I did a fair amount of research on the style of gardening I wanted to do, and let me tell you, there are many inspiring books out there! I did have to scale down my dreams a lot, maybe one day we will be able to grow enough to preserve food for the winter, but not right now. I can't even seem to keep my indoor plants alive, so I figured I would try it out small scale.

Square Foot gardening was the most inspiring of all the methods I read about, so that's what we chose to do. Mel Bartholomew's All New Square Foot Gardening is where I got the majority of my info from. Jake built the box for me, and Liam and I hauled countless wheelbarrows full of dirt back there one Saturday. Here is the beauty:

The only thing Mel didn't write a chapter on was gardening with a two year old, so my carrots and lettuce won't be in nice rows like he suggested, I can live with that though.

I'm so excited to see things starting to grow! The strawberry plants I cheated on and didn't buy from seed, which is why they are so big already. If this all goes well we plan to add another box next summer to get double the produce! So excited.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I started this blog (a year ago!) because I was very inspired by so many different blogs with the same purpose, to share projects and ideas. I never intended for this blog to be updated on a daily or even weekly basis, and don't have the photography skills to post amazing pictures of the projects I make, although I am always trying to work on that. I also can only dream of coming up with an incredibly unique and inspiring idea, but in the mean time I will continue to post pictures of the projects I was inspired to not only start, but complete. (because there are countless projects that are started...but they don't all get finished).

The past month has been busy, with lots of me staring at this adorable little lady:

Seriously, the many faces of a newborn could entertain me for hours. Eden was born on March 5th, and we couldn't imagine life without her. Liam is adjusting pretty well to having to share his parents, and loves to give Eden lots of kisses and hugs, as well as the occasional smack. Every morning I look at my two babies and feel so incredibly blessed.

The months before Eden was born I got to work on making and updating a few things. One of them being this bassinet we had:

Purchased off of Craigslist, I never was a big fan of all the frills. We bought it for Liam, so the frills were especially not very fitting. My sewing skills were virtually non-existent at that point, but I still tried to make a new cover for it. It did the job, but over time my sewing got a little more, well intermediate, so I made a new cover for the bassinet again. Also, a good friend painted it for me to make it look like this:

I feel a lot happier having this in my family room than the original! We have another bassinet that two of my sisters used for their babies in our bedroom, so this one is acting protection for Eden when I have to put her down and Liam is wanting to poke at her. Hopefully we will get lots more use out of it before Eden gets too big for it! The newborn stage goes by way to fast, especially the second time around.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Parking Garage

Liam is interested in cars. Very interested in cars. I would estimate that on any given day we spend an average of about an hour driving cars around various places. The cars can't just drive up and down in lines though, they have to drive in things, down things, under things and on top of things. So when he started using the fisher price house and school as parking garages I knew we needed something for the guy and his cars.

I had my eye on this vintage playskool parking garage, but know that my chances of ever coming across it are very slim.

Thankfully it looks simple enough and with Jake's help, a DIY version was born.

I opted to not add the railing on top at this point, because it also doubles as a step stool in Liam's mind, and its really not all that bad when his car's "crash" off the roof of the garage.

I also opted not to paint it, as I really like the natural wood look. Other than a few parking spots it is still all the natural wood.

Now I am trying to come up with some complimentary pieces to add to Liam's city, because I have to admit, I had fun putting this one together! I can say that because I roped Jake into cutting the angles for the ramp, and attaching it. Not something I could have easily figured out, if at all...Thanks Jake!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Glider Makeover

Only 8 weeks left until we get to meet this little baby! Or more, Liam was a week late, so I am sort of counting on this one taking its time as well. I figure that way when the due date passes by I won't be quite as disappointed as I was last time. Nesting has kicked into full gear now though! I made myself wait until after the holidays were finished until I really got going on baby stuff, and since then I have been keeping pretty busy in the sewing room.

Jake and I have decided to keep the gender a secret so I won't be posting much baby things on here until he or she is born, but there are a few gender neutral things that I have been working on that I can share, one being the glider!

Here is what it looked like before, nice, but a little stained:

And here is what it looks like after two evenings of me sewing:

I am rather obsessed with gray these days, so I decided to do the glider that way. I do like the look of the cable knit, and no I didn't knit at all for this project, my oma tried teaching me many years ago and it was hopeless. I picked up a blanket from Superstore that I used, and the hardest part was working with the knit as it liked to stretch. This chair will be in our master bedroom for a while as that is where the baby will be, so I wanted it to fit in, and I think it does a pretty good job of that.