Things have been pretty busy around here lately, between the beautiful sunshine, working some shifts, camping, working on things around the house, Liam's four new molars and all the other many things that come up in a day it is never very dull around here. On top of that, there are guys working in the basement every day (yay!) but it happens to be right under Liam's bedroom so his naps have had to be elsewhere every week day. Between all that I haven't had too much time to sit down and think, much less blog.
I should also mention that I have a gorgeous washer and dryer sitting downstairs taunting me, they aren't hooked up yet so yesterday my mom so graciously let Liam and I crash her place for five hours to do laundry and nap. She even fed us dinner on top of all that! (thanks mom).
It feels like the only parts of the house I care about are the ones that have to do with Liam. That's not really true, but they do happen to be the areas that are all finished because those parts of the reno's only involved "face lift" type projects that were all done pretty quick! I am really eager to post the before and after pictures of the kitchen and bathroom because those are the most dramatic, but they are still waiting on a few things. I believe the kitchen backsplash is going in this week, we were just waiting on a few tiles, so once that is finished I will post pictures!
Here is the old stereo cabinet that was built in. With a fresh coat of paint, new shelves inside and new door knobs I think it looks so much better:
and After:
And what would likely be considered the dining room area before:
And after:
And finally, Liam's favorite new thing, cuddling with the dog. He isn't much into cuddling with his momma, but when Henk is hanging out inside all Liam wants to do is lay down with him.